

威尼斯注册送38元 - 2017年1月3日


德里克Clouthier | 卡车的消息




野牛运输公司最近为其车队增加了40台新的货运班轮拖拉机, and as the Winnipeg company’s equipment acquisition and innovation manager Steven Orbanski explained to 卡车的消息, lightweight spec’ing these trucks was one of his first orders of business when he stepped into the role this past February.

“如果我们的设备太重了, 我们不能尽可能多地装载有效载荷(否则),奥班斯基说. “这个问题在冷藏箱行业非常普遍, and this is where this project came from…we needed to shave a lot of weight out because we’re not able to compete on that side with our heavy one-truck-fits-every-application kind of deal.”

Orbanski needed to cut the truck and trailer’s weight down enough so it could fit a minimum of 45,000磅的有效载荷装入冷藏箱, but there were few areas he could find to trim weight from the trailer itself.

“There’re only minor items we were able to do on the trailer side,他说. “我们正在试验一些更轻的机器人腿和重量更轻的轮毂, but there’s not really a lot that we’re able to shave out of there because we need that insulation and volume in (the reefer).”

Bison使用铝制推车腿来减轻一些重量, and has been challenging OEMs to find additional ways to pull more weight from the trailer. 拖车只允许这么多在减轻重量方面, 奥班斯基开始关注卡车本身.

野牛公司25%的业务都是由长组合车辆运输的, the company was unable to shave pounds from the heavy-duty trucks it uses to haul the dual trailers.


第一个是放弃15升发动机,改用13升发动机, 节省了大约550磅, 不仅仅是因为发动机的重量, but also the fluids it carried and bracketing required for the engine’s installation and support. Next, Orbanski used lighter-weight disc brakes, where he was able to cut about 100 lbs. 布里森还能减轻卡车车架的重量, 因为它不需要用更轻的引擎来支撑那么大的力, which ended up saving upwards of 200 lbs with the reduced frame thickness and gauge.

“我们也能做到, 至少在其中一个模型上, 由于发动机较小,缩短引擎盖,奥班斯基说. “So shortening the hood and taking out that frame and extra bracketry was a couple hundred pounds there as well.”

迈克·帕尔默, 曼尼托巴货运公司车队产品支持经理, said the three main ways fleets can utilize lightweight spec’s is with the engine, 驾驶室配置和底盘选项.

In addition to using the 13-liter DD13 Detroit engine, Palmer pointed to exhaust configurations.

“如果车队选择了悬挂式排气系统而不是垂直排气系统, 减重约115磅,他说.

Palmer also said the use of a 13-gallon diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank rings in at around 15 lbs less than a 23-gallon DEF tank.

Orbanski added that the carry weight alone in the smaller DEF tank saves just under 800 lbs. Palmer also underscored that a Detroit DT 12 automated transmission weighs approximately 340 lbs less than an Eaton Fuller UltraShift Plus 13-speed. 刹车鼓是另一个需要减轻重量的地方.

当指定制动鼓时, 有SteeLite鼓和CastLite鼓, 比普通桶轻15-17磅,帕尔默说。.

车轮和悬挂部件是两个区域杰森斯塔布斯, Maxim卡车和拖车的全国销售经理, 他说,车队可以减轻拖车的重量.

斯塔布斯说要用铝制轮毂或轻钢轮毂, spec’ing the trailer with a lightweight suspension and the overall design of the trailer, 特别是使用更多的铝,如交叉构件, 都能减轻体重.

在卡车方面, 凯文·鲍文, Maxim全国卡车和客车销售经理, 他说有几种方法可以让卡车轻量化, 包括6×2轴配置(在允许的情况下), 轻型车架轨道, 铝制桥架和交叉构件以及重量较轻的驱动桥.

“在零部件制造中,塑料的使用量越高,卡车的重量就越轻,鲍恩说。, ,但耐久性受到了损害.”

斯塔布斯同意, saying that lighter-weight components often cost more and are not as resilient as their steel counterparts. “A lighter-weight spec’ is not for everyone because the additional cost and durability needs to have a payoff,斯塔布斯说. 此外,在某些应用中,重量也不是一个问题.”

对于Orbanski, he said Bison is always looking for ways to shave weight from its trucks and trailers, 只要它不损害它所提供的服务.

“Trying to spec’ for application is a change we are going through,” said Orbanski. “Lightweight really drove this and it’s driving it to other areas of the business. 我们只是努力做好功课,体重总是大大减轻. 它会一直在我们身边, to try and remove weight out of our equipment wherever possible without hurting the longevity or function that (the truck) needs.”

The use of aluminum components is certainly one of the key factors to trimming pounds.

Using an aluminum air tank instead of steel saves about 30 lbs; an aluminum fifth wheel sheds around 100 lbs compared to a cast iron fifth wheel; and Alcoa Ultra One aluminum rims are five pounds lighter than regular Alcoa rims, 据帕默说.

一个较小的油箱也可以帮助减轻卡车的负荷, which could be a practical option given the need for less fuel with a lighter truck.

“我们对预期的燃油里程做了一些计算, the routes we wanted to run and where the driver should be able to fill up,奥班斯基解释道. “基本上, 我们想在没有空位的情况下把温尼伯送到多伦多, and doing that we went from 300 US gallon tanks down to 200 US gallon tanks.”

奥班斯基说,尽管在燃油经济性方面有明显的好处, exploring lightweight spec’s was predominantly about Bison trying to better compete in the reefer industry.

“If you have four guys bidding on a job and one of them can haul way more payload than you, 不管他们怎么做,他说. “Operations being able to do that right away and acquire more business was our number one.”

节省燃料之后, Orbanski said Bison was able to shorten the wheelbase of the lightweight spec’d trucks due to the curtailing of the hood.

他说:“司机可以有更多的机动能力。. “而且这不会失去我们拥有的任何驾驶舒适. Driver retention is also a huge priority for us…we were able to keep the same high-rise cabin sleeper with all their fridges and inverters, 蓝牙收音机,所有他们喜欢的东西.”

奥班斯基说,Bison考虑过更小的规模, 但在给司机们提供了一些样品后, 反馈是司机们更喜欢有一些额外的空间.

Bowen pointed out that many of the lightweight spec’s currently available are designed more for the US market due to the country’s maximum 80,000-lb gross vehicle weight rating for a tandem axle tractor-trailer combination.

“在加拿大, 我们的重量法则没有那么严格, 所以这些减肥方法并没有被证明是受欢迎的,他说. “The suppliers of these components design them for trucks that are out at no more than 80,000 lbs. 如果有人一直在美国旅行,这是可以接受的, 但我们都知道在加拿大情况并非如此. 我们加拿大的道路和气候条件要恶劣得多.”

鲍恩在2020年补充道, stricter greenhouse gas emission regulations will force manufacturers to use a higher percentage of lightweight components in the assembly of transportation equipment. 嗯,减肥很少是件坏事.


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